
Roses Bouquet Pink set

I open new store in Sannomiya-sim.
It is the open commemorative product of the new shop.
Roses Bouquet Pink set has low price than you buy two product(Roses Bouquet pink and Rose Wreath ).
Roses Bouquet Pink 500L$
Rose Wreath for Roses Bouquet Pink 200L$
(If it is past July 10; 250L$)
Roses Bouquet Pink set 600L$
you can buy this only in " Sannomiya-Sim".
copy modify ok
no transfer


Rose Corsage

It is attached to the left chest on your both ears.
wearing points
Left Ear... left ear, mouth
Right Ear..right ear,mouth
Chest... Chest, spine


No.21 Skull & Rose

I added my favorite rose and skull to No. 21.

Pirate Hat

Click the hat.
Dialogue comes out.
You can choose hat colors or feather colors